Quercetin Bromelain

Exploring the Science Behind Quercetin and Bromelain Supplements

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Quercetin For Interstitial Cystitis

Since quercetin is a potent and versatile supplement even outside of treating interstitial cystitis, I’ll also discuss other uses for it as well as quercetin side-effects.

Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is an unfortunately common urinary bladder disease characterized by pain or pressure in the pelvic area and urgency (frequently needing to void your bladder). Pain during urination as well as during sexual intercourse is also common.

It is more common than you may think because it affects all races and cultures, all ages and all socioeconomic groups. It affects both men and women. It is often misdiagnosed as urethritis, prostatitis, urethral syndrome, and sometimes arguably a few other conditions (such as trigonitis).

Read more of Quercetin For Interstitial Cystitis