Quercetin Bromelain

Exploring the Science Behind Quercetin and Bromelain Supplements

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Quercetin Benefits – Energy

While there are many established quercetin benefits and even more alleged quercetin benefits, one I had not considered was quercetin’s possible ability to help individuals tap their energy reserves. This more recently discovered benefit is implied by a recent study conducted by the Arnold School of Public Health (University of South Carolina) and partly funded by the United States Department of Defense. This study was published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism in 2009.

The study, which involved healthy but untrained adult men and women (college students), measured subjects fatigue capacity on stationary bikes and their VO2max. VO2max, which was completely new to me upon reading this study, measures an individual’s maximum oxygen capacity.

Read more of Quercetin Benefits – Energy

Natural Treatment For Interstitial Cystitis

Many of these remedies have helped many people, but I can’t give you any guarantees. As I’ve said before, regular consumption of quercetin with bromelain has provided me personally the greatest benefits. But everyone will be different so don’t give up hope if it doesn’t work for you and move on to another therapy.

I always suggest you consider a natural treatment when considering various drugs and their side-effects.

My favorite interstitial cystitis natural treatment is quercetin. Quercetin reduces inflammation and helps prevent infection. There is a much clinical evidence supporting its use. If you have a sensitive stomach, I suggest you read my article about the possible side effects before trying it.

Read more of Natural Treatment For Interstitial Cystitis